10 28/03/2023 15:16
16-18 giugno 2023 - Bad Hersfeld -
Posto un messaggio ricevuto dall'amico Steffen, chi fosse interessato può seguire sul loro forum


"Ciao Ragazzi,
how are you? I hope you are all fine. It has become really quiet in this group.
I'd like to inform you about our "22. Honda Dominator Forumstreffen" (Raduno Dominator tedesco). It will take place from 16th - 18th of June (Giugno) 2023 in Kirchheim / Hessen, which is located almost in the middle of Germany. If you want to check where it is search for "Bad Hersfeld". This city is close to Kirchheim and is where the Autobahns (Autostrada) 4 and 7 intersect. Please have a look at forum.nx650.de/viewtopic.php?t=3731 for further information.
Unfortunately this year we can only offer a camp ground for setting up your tent because the raduno takes place on this camp ground. The accommodation we originally planned had to be canceled at short notice because it was needed for other purposes. If you don't want to stay the nights in your tent you need to look for a hotel room at your own. If you need help I will assist you in finding a room. Therefore I need the names and total number of people who will come to join us.
We would be happy to see you again. Pino e Pina are loyal visitors to our raduno. They joined us again last year. 🙂 How about you?"

Il sito italiano della Dominator NX650 - WWW.DOMINATOR650.IT

..... ma niente da discutere.... il webmaster è il webmaster! ...e non l'ho detto io.
Honda NX 650 1989
Honda NX 125 1989